Saturday, August 25, 2007

Food Storage

We've been thinking we needed to get going on food storage for some time now. Today we finally went to Costco and got this organizer and a bunch of food. The organizer is awesome and we're happy we've finally gotten started.

28 Weeks

Britt is getting bigger every day. Here is a picture at 28 weeks. She is definently bigger than our friends having just one baby.


Spencer has recently taken up fly fishing. He is having fun learning everything he can about it. On our trip to Cub River, he spent a few hours each day fishing. It was fun and he caught his first fish on a fly there.


We went on an Olsen family camping trip to Cub River in Idaho. While we were there, we visited the scout camp where Donnell was working for the summer and did some archery. We had so much fun, but as you can see from the top picture, Britt was closer than Spencer to getting a bullseye.


Our trip to California was fun and relaxing. We spent most of our time hanging out on the beach.

Surfing in California

We haven't updated this for a while, but here are some pictures from our trip to California. Spence, Dog, and Nash rented surfboards and spent the week trying to get it figured out. They had a ton of fun and they were all doing pretty good at the end.