Tooth number three has come through and number four is on it's way soon.
As of January 18th he walks all the time now- We weren't sure how long this would take because he didn't seem interested in walking one bit. One Sunday morning, he stood up in the middle of his room and started walking and hasn't stopped since.
MORE!- Davis learned a little sign language. A while ago, I thought I was going to teach the babies some sign language, but stopped shortly afterward. The book said to teach them the sign for "more" first, but every time I was trying to teach this to one kid, the other one was yelling for more food and it seemed to cause more frustration at meal time. I know I wasn't very dedicated, but I didn't care. Both kids had learned to sign "more" when I asked if they wanted more, but they didn't really understand that if they did the sign, I'd give them more of what they were eating.
The other night we went to dinner and Spence started trying to teach Davis "more" again. Finally Davis caught on and would point to the drink and sign "more". He was thrilled when he got what he wanted. What a wonderful communication tool. Davis continued saying more to the drink all night. At the end of dinner, I commented to Spence about how I thought it would take something better than water to get Davis to learn the trick and Spence casually said it did. He had let Davis drink the whole glass of Sprite. What?!
Since then, Davis has continued with the sign language. "More" is his favorite, but he does "eat" too and is working on "drink". Blair still prefers to point and scream. The other day I fed them scrambled eggs for breakfast and when I started feeding them a banana, Davis pointed to the plate that had the eggs and signed "more". He was disappointed when his attempt to communicate his wants didn't result in getting it. This disappointment occurred again when Grandma Erickson gave him the water in sacrament and couldn't produce more when he asked for it.
It's fun to be able to understand them a little better and learn more about each child's personality.
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