Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy 29th Spence!

For Spence's birthday this year, he didn't want me to have a party. We showed him- we went to dinner with my family on Saturday, and had his parents and the girls over for dinner Sunday, and celebrated even more on Monday by bringing treats to work in the morning. Sunday is the only day I had my camera though. He wanted a cheesecake dessert my mom makes instead of a cake so we had that and opened presents.

I bought him new waders that he's been wanting for a while. Come to find out, he knew he was getting them. He saw a charge on our credit card and googled it to see what store it was from. He went to that store's website and started adding different things to his shopping cart to come up with the amount he saw on our online banking. What a fun hater. He went all the way through the process to calculate shipping taxes and everything and he told all of the people at work how excited he was for his birthday because he was getting new waders. I'll have to do a little better keeping the next gift secret.

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