Monday, March 15, 2010

Clean Up

Last night Spence had just cleaned up the toys when the kids got out the dress ups and the Mr. Potato Head stuff. Spence told them if they wanted to play with the Mr. Potato head stuff, they needed to clean up the dress ups. Blair started cleaning up and singing, "Clean up, Clean up, Everybody do your share..." Then, she turned to Spence who was watching her and said, "Daddy, can you please do your share?"

Sheesh Dad, why weren't you helping? Clearly, it's your job too.


Lindsay Cutler said...

That is so funny... your twins are SO CUTE. I can't believe how quickly they are growing up!

A Erickson said...

Fun-Spence always had a hard time picking up after himself let alone someone else! Maybe he'll listen to his kids ;). Just funny!

Chelsea said...

That is ADORABLE!! What a classic moment!