The kids have been totally into bikes lately. Anytime they see a kid with one at the park, they try to ride it. The other day, we got trikes of our own. Despite the fact that they can't reach the pedals yet, the kids absolutely love them. We pushed them around for a while the first night and they thought it was the greatest thing ever. We are going to get pedal blocks so they can actually reach the pedals, but we haven't done it yet.
When we were pushing them around, Blair kept trying to pedal and wanted to do it herself, but Davis was in total relaxation mode, as usual, and he was content to be pushed. They are so funny and so different. Here are a few pictures of the first night riding the trikes.
Another day, it was actually so hot that we had to leave the park after about an hour and go find some shade. The kids weren't really ready to go inside yet, so we settled for coloring with sidewalk chalk on the front porch where we could enjoy a little shade.
When I bought the sidewalk chalk, I had no idea that it could be so messy. I mistakenly thought they'd get a little color on their hands that could be taken care of with one wipe. This is certainly not the case with my kids. They unintentionally color all over themselves all the time. They either brush the chalk over their clothes while the walk, or they sit down in a spot that they just colored and get it all over their little bums.
As my kids get older, I have to remind myself to take a chill pill a little more often. Toddlers are just messier than I would like, and I'm learning to deal with it. Plus, the sidewalk chalk is pretty mellow compared to them learning to feed themselves. That is for sure not my favorite.
Looks like you guys are having fun. I love the trikes you got for your kids, I will have to remember that when Madi gets older.
Yay for spring. Love the tricycles! They are great! We need to get blocks for Alex's bike pedals. See you tomorrow hopefully! (we're crossing our fingers that the weather cooperates).
Wow, what long legs; and they're so focused. Your kids are growing up. It's wierd not being there to see them. All of a sudden these pictures show me little kids and not the babies I think of when I think of Blair and Davis. When I think of Trey that age I remember thinking he was so big and now, looking back, he had such a tiny, midget body. At this age they start becoming real people, with slightly more proportionate bodies, just mini. So adorable!
Just strip them down before they do anything then you can just hose them might develop a reputation as "the mom who lets her kids run around in diapers all the time" just watch out for that. :)
I love all of those pictures, especially the ones of them coloring on the side walk! They are getting so big I can't believe it...
I have the cutest grandkids ever!!! I can't wait to roll around the whole neighborhood with those trike riders.
brit your kids are so stinkin cute!
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