Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today, when it was time for lunch, I asked the kids if they wanted a sandwich, spaghettios, or chicken noodle soup while we were looking in the cupboard. Blair pointed to the cake mix I use for homemade Oreos and said, "How about cookies?"

Frankly, cookies sounded better to me too.


jodi said...

I'm up for some cookies about now! I miss them, we realllllly need to do lunch, when are you coming down again?

A Erickson said...

They always know the good stuff don't they...Alex and Sam would have to agree!

Girl Cam said...

ha, they are sooo cute! Spencer had them perform for us at work the other day. Their math skills are up there next to amazing. :) My favorite was when Davis said the weird little man Spencer has by his desk looked like Mike Siler. Good one. :D

AMIT said...
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