Last night Blair lost all color in her face and her eyes were dark and sunken in. Our poor little girl looks as sick now as she did the day she came. They also had to increase her peep from a 5 to a 9 and they increased her O2 percentage from 25 percent to 60 to 80 percent. Even with the increases in her respirator settings, Blair wasn't getting good oxygen saturation.
They did a few x-rays last night to see if her feeding tube had moved and was no longer in the right place and to see if she has aspirated anything in her lungs. This morning they decided to get a new feeding tube because it was right on the edge of where it should be and they hope that will help her stop throwing up. As far as the aspiration goes, they couldn't see anything on the x-ray, but they said sometimes it takes a couple of days to see it better.
Blair woke up off and on all last night and Spence stayed up until 5:30am because he was so worried about her and he wanted to hear the results of all of her tests. Nothing was very conclusive though. She may have just had a big setback due to the extubation and re-intubation that happened yesterday.
This morning when the doctors came for rounds, they were still unsure what was causing all of the problems. They are planning to try to wean down her O2 and peep as they can, but so far that isn't working at all. Her little body won't tolerate it. Spence thinks she may have gotten another bug, maybe the flu or something, that is making her so sick again and it wouldn't surprise me at all. She really looks sick again despite the fact that her chest x-rays this morning looked like they were still getting better. Waiting and wondering is so hard. It is comforting to know that she has her very own nurse 24 hours a day though, so they'll watch for anything that comes up. With everything that has happened in the last 24 hours, it isn't likely that they'll try to re-extubate her anytime soon unless a major miraculous recovery happens. It looks like the best we can hope for at this point is sometime this weekend.
One good thing happened last night though. They moved Blair to a different room. For the last two weeks, we've been in a room with no windows and only curtains separating us from another patient. In the middle of the night they moved Blair to what feels like a suite. It has windows on two walls and a lot more space. Her TV also has a DVD player now which will make it easier to watch movies. We've been trying to prop our laptop on her bed so she could see it when she wanted to watch something. Another plus- the bathroom is right outside her door. If we're going to be here for a month, (which it feels like at this point) at least we're a little more comfortable now.
Blair is getting used to the drill here. She has figured out that if she bites down as hard as she can, the nurses can't suction her tube out. It takes some serious persuasion to get her to open. Yesterday she also learned how to take her arm restraints off. Bad news. She did look pretty pleased with herself when it happened though. She's so sneaky that if one person is turning their back for even a second, they always have to make sure someone else has an eye on her.
Yesterday and today have been pretty stressful and emotional. I think I've cried about a hundred times in the last day or so. It is so hard to see our baby look so sick and be so uncomfortable, but we really appreciate all of your prayers, calls, emails, and comments. We feel so blessed to have such a great support system.
Joel and I have been thinking of you guys often since we heard Blair was sick. We'll keep your family in our prayers. I know Joel told Spencer, but if there's anything at all we can do, don't hesitate to call, anytime.
Oh my goodness Brit...I check your blog every now and then. I was so shocked to see this! I cant imagine what you have gone through. We will keep you in our prayers!
We are keeping your family in our prayers. Megan asks every day to "see Blair". She likes to see the pictures of Blair on this blog. Hang in there. Hopefully things will get better as the week goes on. Let us know if you ever need anything!
Andrea and family
Hello, My name is Marie Cella. I am Jen Devlin's mom. Knowing Boston is great friends to Blair and Davis and have such fun together, Jen informed me of your beautiful daughter's fight to get well. You need the prayers of everyone you know and even people you don't know. Blair's name has been submitted to the temple by myself and others. Truly my heart goes out to you. heart is breaking for you guys. I can only imagine the emotions you are feeling- because tears come to my eyes just looking at the pictures. We continue to keep you all, especially Blair in our prayers, even little Brooklynn does! We love you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. xoxoxo.
Sorry- this is Ashley, Paul's account was signed in :) He sends his love too though!
This set-back is so very disappointing. I had to have another good cry. I guess it's possible that she has some other kind of virus but I would think that it's much more likely that it's one or more of the medications causing the problem. It almost always is. Despite all the good things the meds can do, they still have many side effects. Consider asking the doc if the meds could be causing the throwing up problem. Especially if it's a new one that's been added. Hang in there. We are still praying all the time. Love, Mom
I hate to hear this and I hope and pray with all my might she gets feeling better and progressing again soon. I can tell you have a giant support group, but know that we are happy to help in any way too. :)
We feel so bad for you guys! Know that you are all in our prayers--we love you and hope for the best!
I haven't stopped thinking of all of you ever since I heard the news. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for all of you. I'm so sorry. There are few things more painful in this life than seeing your precious son or daughter in pain. I hope & pray that your burdens will be lifted & that Blair will be able to recover & return home as soon as possible. We sure miss you all!!! I'll continue to pray for all 4 of you!
Love, Tyler & Julia Andersen
Oh no!! I'm so sorry that you guys are having these set backs, i'm sure it makes this whole thing so much harder! I can't imagine what it would be like to see one of my kids go through something like that. Hang in there though, all of you are in our thoughts and prayers!! Love you guys!
Brit I just checked your blog today and was my stomach dropped when I started reading about Blair. We will keep your family in our prayers. Blair is such a cute girl, I am so sorry she is suffering so much, and I am sure it is probably even harder on you and Spencer. It makes you realize how precious our little ones are.
We've added Blair and your family to the prayer roll at the Denver temple. We're praying for you and hoping things turn around for the better soon. Hang in there, Britt.
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