Last night, she also decided that she needed a drink. Since she just got her tube taken out and she hasn't had anything in her stomach for almost three weeks, they said she could have a few ice chips. She was not thrilled. She cried and cried and told us a million times that she was really thirsty. Lucky for her, this morning they decided she could have clear liquids. She's eaten two slushies, a popsicle, and a few cups of apple juice. She loved the slushies and was super happy the whole time she was eating them.
Today they've worked on weaning her meds more and weaning the oxygen percentage. She went from 100 percent oxygen last night to 40 percent tonight. She's doing great. Once they wean down the oxygen percentage to the 21 percent that we all breathe, they'll work on weaning the pressure in her nasal cannula. They said today that she'd likely leave the ICU when her drips were turned off. It looks like that may happen tomorrow. That would be quite the step. We're crossing our fingers.
Most of the day today, we've been playing and doing activities that the Child Life people have given her. She's loved it all. She gets tired and worn out pretty quickly, but she's acting more and more like herself. She's definitely bossing everyone around telling us exactly what she wants. If we can't understand her or she doesn't get what she wants, she has a total breakdown. I think that's a combination of her regular self and the medications. It's kind of crazy though. She's perfectly happy one minute and totally melting down the next.
One thing that we hadn't thought about in all of this is her muscles and what her body would do laying in bed for so long. They sent a physical therapist in today and she did a few exercises, but she was pretty unhappy the whole time. She was nervous to be sitting on the edge of the bed despite the fact that the therapist and I were holding her and she won't even try to stand up for a second. The therapist held her and asked her to stand for five seconds and she was crying and bending her legs the whole time. She was doing a little better tonight reaching for things and trying to hold her neck up for a few seconds though. Her legs feel pretty strong if she tries to push our hand with her feet, but she's pretty unsure about her ability to do normal things. They did send someone in that was supposed to help her with her hand eye coordination, but she's doing great with that. She fed herself fine today and has been playing with little toys no problem.
The respiratory therapists have been doing therapy on her to get more of the junk loosened in her lungs. They turn on a machine that sort of pounds on her chest and back. They told her she could try it on mom and dad and it's actually a pretty good massage- one perk of the hospital, I guess.
Overall, we had a good day playing, reading books, doing craft projects, and being the doctor for her baby and toys. Her voice is coming back a little so we've been able to understand about 75 percent of what she's saying. We had a great day and it looks like tomorrow will be even better.
This is exciting!!! We're so happy she's doing so much better! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
You guys! I just barely started catching up on blogs and saw this about Blair. I'm so sorry. I'm glad she is doing better now! She will be in my prayers. PLEASE let me know if I can do ANYTHING. I mean that! We would love to have Davis over if you need help with him. Sending my love!
P.S. I tried finding you on facebook, but no luck..
here's my e-mail address-
ericamcguire@gmail dot com
Such good news! We're so glad she is doing better! Thanks for keeping this updated. We have been thinking about you all constantly!
It's great to see her playing and eating! I'm glad she's doing so well!
All I can say is HOORAY! Looks like a fun day with Daddy. You've got to love daddies and their little girls, right? So glad she has perked up and gotten rid of some of her tubes and such. Here's wishing her home soon!
Yay! I'm so excited for you guys! You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly! Love ya!
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